I am a 52 year old caucasion male , with no kids or spouse. I am employed part time , but I am homeless. I have no insurance . Is there a halfway house, or sorer living house in Middletown Ohio that can help me get government assistance for free?


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I'm sorry to hear about your situation, but I can try to help you find some resources. Here are a few options you can explore:

  1. Contact the Homeless Hotline: Reach out to the local Homeless Hotline in Middletown, Ohio. They can provide you with information about homeless shelters, transitional housing options, and other assistance programs available in the area. The Homeless Hotline in Middletown is 211 (dial 2-1-1).

  2. Salvation Army: The Salvation Army often operates shelters and provides various assistance programs for the homeless. Contact your local Salvation Army in Middletown to inquire about shelter availability and any other services they may provide.

  3. Community Action Agency: The Community Action Agency in your area may offer housing assistance programs and can help connect you with resources to obtain government benefits. Contact your local Community Action Agency to inquire about their services and programs.

  4. Social Services Offices: Reach out to the Department of Job and Family Services in Middletown, Ohio. They can assist you with determining your eligibility for government assistance programs such as Medicaid, food stamps (SNAP), and other benefits.

  5. Local Churches and Non-Profit Organizations: Reach out to local churches and non-profit organizations in Middletown. They may have resources, such as food pantries or emergency financial assistance, to help individuals in need.

Remember to explain your situation clearly and provide details about your current circumstances when seeking assistance. Additionally, consider reaching out to friends or family who may be able to provide temporary support or assistance.

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